Our philosophy
Serving survivors from within
Our work at Mokwa centers on guiding clients through their trauma – not via the limited lens of any single modality, but by empowering survivors to become agents of their own liberation.
Courage • compassion • respect • reciprocity • empathy • education
Reclamation through Reconnection
The effects of child sexual abuse make manifest from the chambers of our deepest heart.
This systemic devastation destabilizes us from our very foundations, estranges us from the rootedness of our being, and leaves us unable to decipher the ancient language of our own intuition.
Of the dangers we face within our inner landscape, the most destructive is the insidious poison of isolation. This corrosive toxin eats us alive from the inside out, leaving us emotionally starved, mired in shame, and numbed by the enormity of our pain.
serving survivors
Our work at Mokwa centers on guiding clients through their trauma – not via the limited lens of any single modality, but by empowering survivors to become agents of their own liberation.
We believe reconnection with the ecosystem of the self is the ultimate expression of embodied peace, and that by reintegrating these relationships – between mind, body, heart, and soul – fragmented by abuse and trauma – the human spirit has the innate ability to repair itself.
By creating a space for open expression – simple, pure, and true, from one survivor to another – we can begin the process of healing ourselves, our relationships, and our communities.
our values
The ability to heal our collective trauma stems from the ability to be brave – for ourselves, and for each other. To be brave is to stand in the purity of your own light, to proclaim with pride your right to be alive, your belief in yourself, and your intent to change the world for the better – the power of resolutely expressing your own unique essence, without compromise. Courage means that you choose to acknowledge, to honor, and to heal the wounds inherent within your human incarnation – in order to serve as a vessel, and individual expression of, the human spirit. It is to say, with both the utmost passion and tenderness – I am here.
We find ourselves at the nexus of mission, vision, strength, and grace, with the desire to face ourselves, to heal ourselves, and to place ourselves at the feet of humanity to serve those most in need. We choose to champion those who have taken on the inimitable task of their own healing. Holding space for experiences of immense suffering, grief, and loss, we do all we can to create a new way forward. We do so with no expectation of reward, fueled by divine knowledge and the wisdom of experience that tells us we must leave this earth better than we found it. We do all we do in service to our calling, with the deepest desire to fiercely protect our most valuable resource – the next generation.
Humility, equanimity, and the understanding of our innate humanness are what allow us to recognize ourselves in one another and connect. Through the practice of compassion, we learn that separation is a mental construction, and begin to see beyond the illusion of duality – of self and other. With this knowledge, we find joy in both caring deeply for ourselves, nourishing our inner worlds, and sharing our energy with the multitude of spirits around us – may they be in the physical form of plants, animals, or other humans. By growing in our ability to feel, we grow in our ability to heal. By holding ourselves, and others, gently, in the palm of compassion, and by stepping lightly and with care as we experience the delicate beauty of the world, we can begin the process of true seeing, and healing, with eyes unclouded.
Honoring ourselves, those we love, and the journeys of those around us, we strengthen our bonds, and keep our word to one another. By understanding our innate worthiness, value, and inner power, we move through the world thoughtfully, with the awareness that our energy speaks for us. We understand that every act has meaning, that every experience has the ability to speak to us as teacher – should we be willing to listen – in order to receive its message. We understand that the quality of spirit lives within all things, as it lives within us. As such, we hold ourselves never above, nor below, any fellow creature, and see ourselves as stewards and shepherds bestowed the sacred duty of honoring the great spirit. We relish the opportunity to care for, and merge with, nature – to honor her both as giving mother of the miraculous, of life itself, and as a force of supreme destruction, acknowledging the eternal dance – each and every one of her seasons of splendor.
We extend this reverent joy to our teachers, mentors, guides, and inspirations, and aim to lead by their example. It is with deepest devotion and highest respect that we honor our ancestors, our families, and our communities. This portal to the divine, opened to us through the practice of veneration, allows us to cleanse the psychic pain of our lineage – and thus, to heal those who have come before us. Our ability to serve those who seek healing is a direct reflection of this continual work.
We believe abundance is a mindset, and that true generational wealth is created through contributing to the collective healing of the planet – that being a helper, a healer, and a person of worth are the true markers of a life well lived. To us, compassionate giving of the spirit comes from an open heart and an open hand – rooted in the unshakable faith that all needs will be met.
It is our privilege and promise to serve those in need, providing meaningful resources, sharing our knowledge, allowing access to ancient wisdom, and spreading awareness of our mission and vision. Here, all contributions are voluntary, and survivors are served through a flexible contribution model.
We believe in creating mutually fulfilling, symbiotic relationships within multidimensional levels of the human, animal, and plant ecosystem.
As such, we cultivate relationships with indigenous community leaders throughout the world – via native led reciprocity initiatives – and continually seek to honor the traditions through which we have been initiated.
The human heart is the gateway to our deepest healing. By allowing ourselves to be with others, simply, openly, we become a compassionate mirror, able to hold depths of profound human suffering. At the center of opening the heart-mind is the fundamental concept of allowing. By surrendering to the moment, and the reality as it is, with no desire for, or attachment to, change, we allow the moment to intuitively guide us – creating safety, witnessing emotions arise without judgement, and bringing forth the delicate, organic art that is the unfolding of the human heart.
By looking into the eyes of others and seeing our own, we allow the body, mind, heart, and spirit to heal, tending to the wounds incurred over the course of our human experience. When we give voice and space to the pain, angst, and grief of others, we open our hearts to experience their joy. We create a bond of healing by our presence, acknowledgement, and lack of judgement. By fully embracing our emotions, we enter into the arena together – united in our desire to act as courageous agents of change, joy, and healing.
To us, knowledge is sacred – a light in the dark, and the greatest way to transform our lives and expand our mindsets. After spending more than a decade dedicated to expansive multidisciplinary study across the fields of psychology, anthropology, art, religion, philosophy, spirituality, and medicinal plant use – we aim to bridge these disciplines, creating a space for something entirely new – an alternative mental health resource platform with a singular goal – to provide healing content, courses, and tools to those who have experienced child sexual abuse.
By providing empathetic education focused on supporting individual survivors, their families, their friends, and their partners, it is our ambition to champion a paradigm shift in the way child sexual abuse is discussed within popular culture and media, how survivors are regarded, how knowledge is shared, and how entheogenic plants can serve as teachers and guides in the treatment of trauma, independent of traditional transactional models.
the mokwa model
An approach grounded in wholeness
Treatment Framework
The Mokwa Model™ was created to bring forth a paradigm shift in the treatment of sexual abuse – from a medicalized model, focused on diagnosis and disease, to an empowerment model that supports survivors holistically.
Manifested in the form of a flexible framework that address the multifaceted areas of life fragmented by childhood sexual abuse, each path is co-created with the survivor to reflect their experiences, desires, and self-defined goals.
Systemized to reflect each facet of a survivor’s mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and relational life, survivors begin their journey where they are in the present – with the opportunity to explore each element of their being as sessions progress.
Put simply, The Mokwa Model is intended to disrupt the current, self-perpetuating system. In place of callous disregard for the human spirit, and a system centered on the never-ending treatment of symptomology, the Mokwa Model focuses on the root cause – the etiology of trauma for so many – childhood sexual abuse.
Training & Experience
I’ll be the first to admit I don’t fit neatly into a box –
Though that once filled me with fear, shame, confusion, and uncertainty, I now embrace it as a point of pride.
I consider myself an educator, adventurer, and a multidisciplinary creative – and move fluidly between these roles and spaces.
Whether you call me a trauma guide, peer support specialist, or an integration expert, what I most hope to be called is a helper and friend. My role is to serve as a compassionate mirror on your journey of self-reconstruction, self-knowledge, and self-healing. I use every moment of my life, each avenue of awareness and experience, and every bit of education, to share what I know in hopes of bringing about organic, deeply felt changes in survivors’ lives – at every level of their being.